* Title: Introduction of Jet-Image: New Method for Jet Tagging
* Speaker: Doh Young Mo
* Date: 3:00~4:00 PM, 10 March 2016
* Place: CTPU Seminar room, KAIST Munji campus
* Abstract: In this talk, I would like to introduce the jet tagging method named jet image. Collider detector as a camera can produce an image consists of collision data. Such image can be compared to signal image by auto-generated criteria. By identifying boosted hadronic W boson decays in a background of quark- and gluon- initiated jets, the effectiveness of the method will be shown. I will also give a sketch how to generalize the method.
* References: arXiv:1511.05190 [hep-ph]
arXiv:1407.5675 [hep-ph] (10.1007/JHEP02(2015)118)