Journal Club
2017.07.07 02:44
Journal Club Schedule
PTC Seminar / Journal Club / Workshop
PTC Seminar Organizers (click to contact) :
Chang Sub Shin Jeff Kost Dongjin Chway
PTC Seminar Schedule (click)
PTC Journal Club Organizer (click to contact) :
- Di Xu
PTC Journal Club Schedule (click)
Journal Club Schedule
Link to the publications
Use the indico link for the seminar announcements.
[Journal Club] The Unnaturally Split Composite Higgs
[Seminar] (Oct 28 2015) by Tao Han on <Physics at future colliders>
[Seminar] (Oct 07 2015) by Jeonghyeon Song on <Phenomenology of 2HDM with interference>
[Seminar] (Oct. 02 2015) by Ryuichiro Kitano on <Strong CP problem and axion on the lattice>
[Journal Club] (Oct 01 2015) by Kunio Kaneta on `Spontaneous leptogenesis via Majoron oscillation'
[Seminar] (Sep. 16 2015) by Yukata Hosotani on <Gauge-Higgs Unification from EW to GUT>
[Seminar] (Aug. 27 2015) by Seung-Joo Lee on <Hypercharge Flux in Heterotic Compactifications>
[Workshop] CTPU Workshop and IBS-KASI Joint Workshop (Aug 17-20 2015)
[Conference] CosPA2015 (Oct 12-16 2015)
[Seminar] (July 31 2015) by Seyong Kim on <Computational Aspects of Lattice Gauge Theory>
[Seminar] (July 30 2015) by Seyong Kim on <Quarkonium and Lattice Gauge Theory>
[Seminar] (July 29 2015) by Kihyeon Cho on <Dark Matter with e+e- collider>
[Seminar] (July 28 2015) by Chang Sub Shin on <Dark matter phenomenology at low reheating temperature>
[Seminar] (July 15 2015) by Jinn-Ouk Gong on <Breaking discrete symmetries in the effective field theory of inflation>
[Journal Club] (July 10 2015) by Wonsang Cho
[Seminar] (July 8 2015) by Tatsu Kabayashi on <Towards realistic models in SO(32) heterotic sring theory>
[Seminar] (July 7 2015) by Hajime Otsuka on <Natural Inflation with and without Modulations in String Theory>
[Journal Club] (July 3 2015) by Hyungjin Kim
[Journal Club] (June 5 2015) by Ryotaro Watanabe
[Journal Club] (June 5 2015) by Sang Hui Im