* Title: Isocurvature constraints on portal couplings
* Speaker: Kunio Kaneta (CTPU Seminar room - KAIST Munji Campus)
* Date: 3:00~4:00 PM, 4 Feb 2015
* Abstract: When interactions among the SM sector and dark matter are feeble, the freeze-in mechanism becomes efficient for the dark matter production. In this case, the dark matter never enter the thermal bath unlike the conventional freeze-out scenario, and is produced by non-thermal way. I will briefly review the freeze-in dark matter production, and show the constraints from isocurvature perturbations.
* Refereces:
K.~Kainulainen, S.~Nurmi, T.~Tenkanen, K.~Tuominen and V.~Vaskonen,
``Isocurvature Constraints on Portal Couplings,’'
arXiv:1601.07733 [astro-ph.CO].